Enjoy the experience of painting a landscape in acrylics with the advantages of a textured canvas. It can also go directly on your wall without a frame!
We will follow a step by step demonstrated approach and you will learn and use a wide range of techniques in the process. This is a two half-day course, of 6 hours tuition and follows on from my earlier Yardley Arts courses. New students are welcome!
The small group makes more personal tuition time available.
“Chris is a fantastic teacher and helped us all to produce paintings we were proud of ”
Acrylic paints
Canvas 30cm x 30cms
Coffee, tea and biscuits
What to bring
A simple landscape image or good quality photograph (examples provided should you prefer)
A small notebook and pencil
Soft rags for wiping brushes… cut up old T shirts work well
A china plate for mixing colours, plain white if possible
Dates and times
21 & 22 October
10am - 1pm
Booking is via the tutor, Chris Richbell: email chris@richbell.org or telephone 01234 241700.
Places are limited to 10, so we recommend you book early to avoid disappointment.
“Most enjoyable course, got my confidence back and belief in myself ”
About the tutor
Award winning artist of mixed type, bringing the countryside to life. Chris is a member and regular exhibitor with the Northampton Town and County Art Society and serves on their council. She paints mainly in watercolour or acrylic, and sometimes with mixed media or pastels. She is part of a group of painters from all over the country that annually enjoy painting together in Walberswick on the Suffolk coast. Painting outside whatever the weather, brings a whole new meaning to watercolour! Chris' work has been exhibited in London and nationally, and she has had work accepted by the Royal Academy.
“Brilliant experience ”